Mario Bros. / Classic WWF Wrestlers by Andy Hunter
Andy Hunter, Artists, Mario Bros- / Classic ..., MashupsAndy HunterBlooper, Boo, Bowser, Hulk Hogan, Mario, Sgt- Slaughter, The Rock, WWF
Harry Potter / Dr. Who by Andy Hunter
Star Wars / Batman by Andy Hunter
Star Wars / Pirates of the Caribbean by Andy Hunter
Pokemon / Dr. Seuss by Andy Hunter
Andy Hunter, Artists, Mashups, Pokemon / Dr- SeussAndy HunterAndy Hunter, Cat in the Hat, Cindy Lou Who, dr-seuss, grinch, Horton, Lorax, Pokemon / Dr- Seuss, Seusemon
Tars Tarkas / Pixar by Andy Hunter
Andy Hunter, Artists, Mashups, Tars Tarkas / PixarAndy HunterAndy Hunter, Boo, martian, Monster’s Inc, Pixar, Tars Tarkas, Tars Tarkas / Pixar
The Avengers / The Office by Andy Hunter
King Kong / Iron Giant by Andy Hunter