Western Zombie by Andy Hunter


All month long the lovely folks at the website Criminal Element are giving back to their crime and mystery enthusiasts with something they've deemed Undead April! This is our 2nd contribution (you can see the 1st here).

Andy Hunter presents his Western Zombie mash-up with Raylan Givens from the show Justified and Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead chumming it up at a saloon right before they are rudely interrupted by some undead!

The best part is you can win a print of this bad boy just by going to the blog post on their site, and leaving a comment! A winner will be selected at random, but only registered users of Criminal Element will be considered.

So what are you waiting for? Go comment!!

Be on the look out for our 3rd and last undead mash-up from long time zombie lover  Adam Carlson!


